What could I expect to hear from a Class A amp?

I have been interested for some time about what difference a Class A amplifier would make in comparison to what I am currently using. Right now I have a Classe Model Fifteen, which is the best amp I have ever owned...What could I expect to change if I moved to a Krell KSA-200, or even a KSA-50?

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Fabulous descriptions. I have visited this site regularly for a few years now. Had some basic input of my own.

But I'd like to add this.

The people on this site continually help build my audio knowledge with their unreserved pouring out of knowledge. It makes my keen interest in music and my secondary hobby in audio more interesting by the day.

An ongoing thank you to all the folks keeping Audiogon so alive and vibrant. There really is nothing else like Audiogon. Bravisimo!