What controls/adjustments are needed for phono pre

Wondering if I use a multi-table,multi-arm et up and have more than one type of cartridge what are the adjustmets I am going to want to be able to make easily and quickly?Guess this is a follow up to what phono's have front panel switches.Now I am wondering what those switches should be?
As ever thnx

Showing 3 responses by chazzbo

Not sure of the difference betwen control resistive loading and capacitance.Would it be on same control?pardon my ignorance of the basic electronics here.Also what about RIAA curves?I have a lot of 10" jazz lp's and heard that early LP's could vary in their RIAA setting.I know that if I was into 78's I could get a KAB made unit with all the different settings from 30's and 40's btu I imagine it wouldn't be as good sounding as some sudiophile phono stages.It seems more like an archivists tool.I just knoiw thatI am going to want a deck probably that can accomodate a stereo cart,a quality mono,and another with proabably a detachable headshell for beaters and 78's (I allready have a Denon DJ table to that end).Getting one phono section for about 4 diggerent types of discs ain't so easy!!!!!!
Gregm-Have a second DJ table from Denon which is very cool toy.Has a big slider for rappers or scratchers or whatever the hell those kids call themselves.So you can use it to adjust pitch.But the slider can also be used to adjust key without adjusting pitch (great for musicians to make recordings from for practice.How is this done?It has a internal A to D converter and it's key is maipulated digitally.It has coaxial digital output to go direct to CD-R or computer.And has a line level as well as phono level output.Plays 78's.Awesome toy that makes transcribing Lp to CD-R a snap.They were $600 when I bought but I have seen them on ebay new for less than $300.As a heavy DD they are built pretty well too.

Animal-yeah I have seen them but wondering what the sonics are.If it was half the price I'd get it to go with my Denon aND cd-r and keep it in asecond system.But I don't have that many 78's so that is a lot of jack for my needs.But yeah for the true 78 collector it might be worth it.
I guess it must be a cache that is altered.Not sure if there are others like itI think that Stanton migh put out a simmilar product but not sure if it has this "key" feature (hee hee).Might be on a support web site but not sure.