what concerts do you wish you attended?

Let me preface this by saying you can only pick single performances and not festivals ( sorry all you people that would put woodstock on your list). Also please feel free to pick performances before you were born.

That said the performances I wish I could have seen are:

1)Pink Floyd performing the Wall in 1980 in Madison Square Garden. I was not old enough to drive yet and I was not going to buy an airline ticket and then have to buy tickets off the street and then deal with my parents after all that.

2)Miles Davis with his first classic group. To hear Miles, Coltrane, Evans...all on one stage would have been an experience of a lifetime.

3)Tom Waits in his middle years before the voice went and he was doing a lot of work with jazz and just letting it flow. I have seen an old performance from PBS from the late 70's and it was wild.

4)Francis Albert Sinatra----Late 50's enough said.

I now realize I could be at this for quite a while so I just stop now.

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Julian Bream - before he retired
Andres Segovia - before he passed away
Gulliani, Aguado, Tarrega - 19th century guitarists
Pegannini(?)- said by some to be greatest violinist who has ever lived
Other classical artists and composers,etc.

Many living artists (rock, metal, pop, electronica, classical, etc.) I hope to see in the future but have not seen yet.