What component have you changed out the most?

Which component in your two channel system have you repaced the most? Sice I started this hobby (16 years ago), I have gone through more digital sources than any other component. A close 2nd would be amplifiers.


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I remember back in the mid 80's Digital was the advertised as the perfect sound right. It's interesting how many people converted to digital at that time are now comming back to Analog. The fact that people with digital have changed there front end so much tells how wrong that mid 80's statement is. For me none of the above except cables. I ocasionally change a amp or preamp but classic quality components dont go out of style and some of the best equipment is not necessarly current production although there is some nice stuff out there now. I find that people that change ther system less are the most satisfied and those that change the most are seeking something that most likely will never be found.