What componemns sound best with GMA Callistos

I know have the placing of my Callistos down fairly well & was even able to get some decent bass from them using audiophile disks of which I have many favorites. Also, the better recorded disks like Chris Rea's "The Road to Hell" & Dire Straits "On every Street" to name a few seem to produce decent bass without the sub although just a tad of sub under 50 Hz helps quite a bit. Roy would like me to try the Tempest II with radio shack quality copper cable from the speakers outputs to the speaker inputs of the sub amp. He claims you can by ear get a better balance without the woolyness created by the impedance mismatch between the amp line outputs & the same line inputs on the sub.

I am using my Portal Panache now but may hook up the Rogue Audio Tempest II tomorrow.

I am very curious rgarding the components you folks using for front ends cables, cords IC & amps etc.?



Showing 1 response by cenline

I am using the VD Genesis cables and they are out of this world. I think that the vd cables offer a major value to performance ratio and make my Calypso's totally disappear and give insane dynamics. There are a lot of used cables and that offers a chance to try them at a reasonable price, Hope this helps and do enjoy the speakers cheers Dennis