What Chopin solo piano cds are the best?

Does anyone know which CHOPIN PIANO SOLO cds sound the best?
Is there a particular pianist, box set or cd that you can recommend? Thanks....Tony

Showing 1 response by slawney

I see excellent taste in the references to the classic performances of Moravec, Lipatti, Rubinstein, and Michelangeli. My German mother-in-law is a concert pianist and a Chopin connoisseur/collector: she once gave me a CD I was very impressed with: El Bacha, Chopin Oeuvres de Jeunesse 2 (1828-1829) (Forlane 1998); it made me love Chopin's juvenilia as I never did before. For the Nocturnes I keep coming back to the Livia Rev on Hyperion, somewhat unsteady rhythmically, but lovingly played and relaxing before bedtime.