What CD Transport with TacT DAC ?

Any suggestions for a transport to use with a Tact 2.0S w/Dac? I really like the room correction, but I think I might need a up/over sampling transport to get the most out of the 192/24 DAC. Where should I start?

Showing 1 response by kana813


Suggest you join the yahoo TacT forums. There's been a lot
of discussion on the SqueezeBox.

I agree the TacT RCS benefits from feeding it with a low jitter transport or digital source.

Yes, the 2.0S will benfit from a good power cord and power conditioning. You don't have to spend a lot of money on a power cord, just may sure it's shielded.

Upgrading the power supply in the 2.0S will make a much bigger improvement than any power cord or digital cable. There are a number of other RCS performance upgrades,including the DAC card, see www.mauimods.com
for more information.