What CD player/transport has the most stable mechanism?

I was wondering if someone out there could help me with this question. What CD player/transport has the most stable mechanism? By that I mean, what player/transport isolates the player from external bumps and vibration?
For years I have owned a SOTA sapphire turntable. Not that I've tried it, but you can drop a bowling bowl on it and not cause a skip. Is there a CD equivalent? No one talks about this, but for me, it's hugely important. I'm asking about vintage equipment, new stuff, cheap, expensive, whatever. BTW, I'm not asking about isolation equipment or racks or anything like that. Just the intrinsic stability of the player itself. Thanks in advance!

Showing 5 responses by hgonzal

Good question, I knew someone would ask.  It's because I like to dance when I listen to music, and when I do, the CD skips.  I also use my telescope from the roof, and you can see the every day vibration through the eyepiece.  Seems to me that isolation is something that isn't taken as seriously as it probably should be.  BTW, I live on a busy city street and you can feel it when a bus or truck drives by.

Thanks for the tip about the Esoteric line.  I was looking at that, but I hate dropping big coin on technology that's about to become obsolete.  Years ago I sold my Tandberg tape player for that very reason.  But hey, sometimes to have to pay to play.  I just wish, when you read reviews on digital equipment, they would talk more about this topic.  I find that it is largely ignored.  Thanks again!
That you all for that information.  I'll look into it.  The only reason my original query did not include isolation materials was because I figure that a well-built player on an isolation platform would always outperform a jumpy player on the same platform.  But maybe I'm wrong about that, what with the possibility of mismatched resonant frequencies and such.

Just one more follow up question.  I noticed that the Esoteric line advertises a VRDS-NEO transport mechanism down to the K-05 player.  The K-07 player does not include it.  Should I not look at the K-07?  It's more in my wheelhouse price-wise, but this will probably be the last player I ever buy.  I don't want to be disappointed.  Thanks in advance.  I'll look into picking up an old SONY.
Yeah, I noticed that part about proprietary interfaces.  I understand why they do that, but that's not going to work for me.  BTW, thank you for pointing out belt-drive systems.  I didn't know such a thing existed.  That is exactly why I started this thread, to find out about stuff like that.

I used to be really into this stuff, I remember when Stereophile was just a pamphlet, but I lost interest some time ago.  I listen to music every day, but I'm just not that interested in the gear anymore, at least not enough to keep track of the latest new thing.  It's funny, I think a lot of time people are more into the gear than the music, which is fine of course.  I've always had an interest in astronomy, but mostly it's because I love messing around with mirrors and the other optical components.  It's strangely addictive.

Hi dave-b.  I don't have any idea what you just wrote.  It's Greek to me.  BTW, I once worked with a Greek fellow and asked him what they said in that circumstance.  He said Greeks say that's Chinese to me.  I don't know why, but I always found that funny.
Thank you to everyone for their input.  I'm going to check out that Esoteric transport.
Hi again!I was the person who first posed this question.  It's always nice to bring up a topic that people are interested in.A number of people recommended the Esoteric Audio K-05, and a number recommended isolation platforms.  I didn't pursue the isolation route, so I can't comment on that.  But I did pick up the K-05 and it is very, very nice.  It was more money than I wanted to spend, but when you put a CD in the tray and press Play, it sounds like a Ferrari.  I'd be curious about lower cost options, but if you can spring for the Esoteric, I don't see how anyone would be disappointed.