What causes listener fatique? cure?

For me it's speakers with forward high frequencies combined with CDs with hot high-end. Anyone with suggestions for speakers in the 2000 to 4000 range that has smooth and non-fatiquing mid and highs?
Hi, I have also battled this problem since I started this hobby. I have come to the conclusion that it is the "balance" of the sound that affects the musicality/long term listenability of the system. The non-fatiquing systems will force you to turn the volume up higher and higher while the fatiquing systems force you to turn the volume down. So, if the high's are too aggressive compared to a missing bottom end, or midrange, it will be off balance and hence...fatique.
It is very easy for a listener to get fooled by the deep bass, or airy highs.... I have found a balanced non fatiquing sound with my vandersteen 3asig/audio research tube/Linn combination. Yes, one can argue that it is not as "airy" or punchy..etc. But, at the end of the day, I am listening to music more ! I used to have fast, punch sound...guess what, I only used it to impress people and never sat down to listen myself !! good luck.
Oh the joy of staying home from work when you finally found a system that gives you smooth extended highs that you can listen to all day. We are all different! Between working on jet aircraft in the A.F. or tuning many a bracket car with open headers, my hearing has been modified. So I am sure that my final selection is different from many others. That is why Audiogon has been so great. I have had to run over a lot of whoop-de-dooes to get that wonderfully relaxing smooth but extended high end. And there are many ways to get there.