What cables for Rowland's Concerto

I am ordering the new Concerto integrated and am wondering what cables people are using? I know it's not out yet but it's the same amp section as the 201's. Thought about Cardas or maybe Discovery?
If it's like Rowland's other products Balanced will be best, I have found Cardas dark/closed in sounding, I have had excellent luck with Transparent with Rowland. I will be going balanced soon hopefully
I use Harmonix Golden Performance in balanced configuration with my Rowland gear. I tried several other cables and the Harmonix sounded best. I'm getting incredibly clear and rich sound; a very musical combination.
Excellent selection! As an owner of a Concentra II, bought used here on 'gon not long ago, I rush to welcome you to the JRDG fan club.

My experiences may not be useful, given the difference in the two designs and power supplies. However:

I've found the Concentra II to be so VERY solid/stable that it is decidedly more "indifferent" to cabling changes than other gear I use in other systems. In that respect, switching among cables with the Rowland has been a complete surprise, compared to the other amps and preamps I've used over the years. While you can probably "kill" the glory of the Rowland sound w/ an overly dark or dull cable match, you will probably have a far larger range of decent choices than with other amps/preamps.

The C II has worked very well with Shunyata Phoenix SC, paired with rca ICs. I tried the Phoenix first, and found no need to look on.

As to interconnects, Transparent ICs were just fine, but I moved on. The Ridge Street's Poiemas were better (in MY system), both rca b/c the cdp and tuner in the C II set-up are only single-ended. I've also happily plugged in Ridge St's MSE, rca, w/ the Concentra II.

Some systems won't mate well with silver wires, as you know. I suspect you'd want to tread cautiously, if you are still using the Piegas. I'm running Aerials in the system w/ the Concentra II.

PLEASE let us know how you like the Concerto integrated, and what wire you ultimately pick.
thanks guys. Yes, i have heard the piegas don't like silver wires and should have mentioned that. Thanks!