What cable caused you to become a cable "junkie" ?

I admit that I'm a cable junkie. It started for me back in 1979 when I changed out some Monster Cable zip-type speaker cables for the then new MIT MH-750 Music Hose. Ever since then, I have always been obsessed with cables( interconnects,speaker cables, and power cords)I keep telling myself that my system is fine, but ultimately I yearn to try out a new power cord to see if I can get that last bit of resolution. Any other cable nuts like me, or do I have a unique problem that a real audiophile doesn't have.

Showing 2 responses by rcrump

What is this the geezer wire thread? Polk Cobra Cables and Audio Precision interconnects......Fulton Gold speaker wires.....This was all about 1975 or thereabouts........Recall my first $100 cartridge, an ADC as I recall as nothing cost more than $50 back then other than those Deccas, Ortophons and Supexes...........Yep, I'm a geezer too and my ARC SP3A-1 still is in the garage!
Tbg, my partner, John Curl, will be able to collect social security in a couple months and am jealous as I have another six years to wait and hope there is something left....Started with hifi in the sixties with a Sony compact system and spent my time at a coffee house listening to live folk music....I thought it would be cool to have that kind of definition at home and look at all the trouble it got me into.....Getting close and it has been almost forty years of fiddling with gear and wires.....The ride has been a ball......