Mapleshade. I thought the whole subject was sorta silly, tho I had Kimber KCAGs and AQ Diamond and Lapis cables just to be sure I wasn't missing anything. The first Mapleshades I tried were such a revelation (and so relatively inexpensive that I sold the Kimbers and AQs for more than the Mapleshades cost) that I kept looking for "more," which led to Omega Mikros (same designer). Where it will end, God only knows.
What cable caused you to become a cable "junkie" ?
I admit that I'm a cable junkie. It started for me back in 1979 when I changed out some Monster Cable zip-type speaker cables for the then new MIT MH-750 Music Hose. Ever since then, I have always been obsessed with cables( interconnects,speaker cables, and power cords)I keep telling myself that my system is fine, but ultimately I yearn to try out a new power cord to see if I can get that last bit of resolution. Any other cable nuts like me, or do I have a unique problem that a real audiophile doesn't have.