What benefit does a DDC really do for a DAC?

I have a 2 year old Denafrips Venus 12th, I have seen some videos about adding a DDC to the Venus. I think I would try the Laiv Harmony uDDC because of the iiwi Review. It is newer and less expensive than the Denafrips DDC. Does anyone have the experience of adding a DDC to the Venus DAC. I use my Venus in a STAX Earspeaker setup only. Power starts from a PS Audio Power Plant 15 to a OPPO BDP-95 to the Venus, then to a Schiit Audio Loki Max than to my Stax setup. I am extremely happy with the results. Oh I forgot everything is XLR connected. Will I hear a difference adding a $850 uDDC, or more expensive DDC. 


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I do not use a streaming service, and have no plans to add one. I have an extensive collection of SACD, DVD Audio, BLU RAY, and Japanese sourced disks in various formats. I love having physical media. I also have around 40 various Grateful Dead disks as I was a Deadhead from 89 to 95 with 27 shows of Jerry and company. I don't play music everyday, as I treat the system like a Ferrari, or rare muscle car. For special treat for myself and others.