What are your top 5 Windham Hill recordings?

Windham Hill Records was founded by William Ackerman and Anne Robinson in 1976. Guitarist William Ackerman released the first Windham Hill recording in 1976 titled "The Search For The Turtle's Navel" and ending with George Winston's 'Summer" released in 1991 after 100+ unique recordings for the original label. Ackerman sold part of his interest to BMG in 1992 followed by Anne Robinson in 1996. IMO the label is overlooked by many audiophiles considering the label offers above average sound quality and has many talented musicians. My interest in Windham Hill has peaked since finding several excellent recordings at thrift stores that were unknown to me. The more obvious WH recordings have been in my collection since the 80's  "Solid Colors" - "December" and "Aerial Boundaries" but I think there are many more gems in the WH catalogue. I appreciate your time and look forward to your replies.

Showing 1 response by femoore12

Michael Hedges - Taproot. The song “I Carry Your Heart” is amazing. 
Nightnoise - At The End of The Evening 

William Ackerman - The Sound of Wind Driven Rain

All of the Windhill Guitar Samplers.