What are your top 3 favorite DAC or DAC/Streamer devices?

Just wanted to find out what everybody is using and why? I guess I will start.
1. Schiit Bifrost/ Bifrost Uber/ Multibit. These devices sound great and are affordable.
2. Ayre Codex- Great Dac, but costly.
3. Bluesound Node 2. Budget Swiss army knife audio- as it can be a preamp/DAC/, wirless bridge to your digital library and streamer.

Which DACs, streamers or combo devices do you use or like?
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Auralic Aries (Femto) into a Lyngdorf TDAI 2170.
Aries Mini w/ Mytek Brooklyn DAC+
Above streamers w/ Wyred4Sound DAC2se
Moving from PS Audio Directstream to Lampizator Golden Gate..I never look back. Right now the weakest link might be the Auralic Aries.
Very happy with Mac Mini dedicated as a Roon server, HDMI out to Oppo 105.. Oppo balanced outs to Adcom/Pass 750, balanced out to  ATI 4002 Signature, into Bryston Mini T's. Lots of bang for the buck, and the Oppo is awesome with Blue Ray and DVD movies. IMHO.