What are your thoughts on the Dragon tape deck?

Anyone out there with experience good or bad on the Nakamichi Dragon? Is it really that good? Thanks, Steve

Showing 2 responses by lou_3rd

Sank says he is an "Authorised Servicer" because he is NOT an Authorized servicer, I checked with Nak, he apparently mis-spells Authorized to mislead people, because he knows it is mis-spelled, I told him. Perhaps he also hopes it will help him to avoid legal action by Nak against him, I can only imagine. I would not advise dealing with him, I began digging after he said he accomplished some repairs to my amp, and it came back in worse shape then when I sent it to him.....

Caveat Emptor

Sank is capable of good work, under some conditions, but he is also capable of taking money not earned and returning gear in worse shape than it was in when it was sent. Not only that, but things he seems to never get done on time. I had to resort to threats to get an amp back weeks after it was supposed to have been fixed, that is, the agreed upon absolute deadline.

Sank said it was plenty of time, but then had lame excuse after lame excuse. It was also returned in worse shape than when it was sent. He claimed a "slight" oscillation in the right channel was the hold up, but both channels were bad, and only one was out when it was sent.

Admittedly Stasis amps are a pain to get right, due to the local rather than global feedback employed in them. Be that as it may, he claimed to have experiance with them, if so, he should have known about matching the input devices, which cures oscillation issues. He apparently did not. I do not have a transistor tester, so I cannot work on Stasis amps either, though I do not claim to be able too.

All this could easily be forgiven or over looked had he not claimed to know this amp! As it is, he makes promises he does not keep, does not refund money when he fails, and ignores his 90 day "guarentee" when it suits him to do so.

For me to not warn others of this would be irresponsible of me. Everyone but 2 people I know of who have dealt with him have at least encountered long delays, if NONE of those you know of have, I have to wonder if you are not really Steven Sank! If MOST of them have, well then, ok, that is the Sank we all seem to know. You have all been fortunate that he has not run into something he cannot fix I guess.