What are your thoughts on Dh Labs T14 speaker cab

I am considering them with my PSB Golds.Thanks
It works well with most equipment and its faults are few and far between. For the money, you cannot beat it. Good luck!

I have been using DH Labs for about a year and been able to forget about cabling issues. Good products, great value.
I've used single runs and biwired runs in the past. On certain passages of music I thought the T14 portrayed some really nice musical cues, but I could never find a combination where they worked for me.

I think a lot of this had to do with my associated equipment which was the solid state Simaudio Moon I-5 integrated at the time. The speakers I used the T14 with were Sonus Faber Concertinos and ProAc Tablette 50 Signatures. I can definitely see the DH Labs speaker cable working with Vandies and PSB Golds, because of their fuller presentation, and for the price I think they're very good. Good luck.