What are your favorite web pages?

We all know that AUDIOGON is the best for what we come here for. A close second would be AUDIO REVIEW, although I think the software is a bit cumbersome and there are too many adds. Someone recently suggested looking at AVSFORUM for home theatre and it is through here I found updates on info regarding HD antennas, but again....no comparison in quality to Audiogon.

What web pages do you go to, audio or otherwise? Comments on the web pages are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by regiolanthe

I find myself FEELING political for the first time in my middle-aged life. I'll leave my personal politics out of the post, but for great analysis of the players and peoples in this newly reshaped world, I find myself checking out The Whiskey Bar and Juan Cole's "Informed Comment" on a regular basis.

As far as music, I often tune into BBC6 Music from my small cube in NH to hear fresh tunes from across the pond.

And for pure silly distraction, a daily visit to Dave Barry's Blogspot often raises a smile or two.