What are your favorite speaker finishes?

What are some of your favorite finishes and / or speaker manufacturers finishes?

Showing 2 responses by aolmrd1241

03-03-15: Bcgator

"Sonus Faber's walnut - loved the original Concertinos and Concertos, and now the Olympica is even nicer. I would buy the Olympicas just to stare at them."


As an owner of the SF Olympica III,without a doubt, the fit and finish on these speakers are superb and second to none. Not only are they beautiful to look at [love that natural walnut ] but to caress that finish, and smell that leather, could be considered borderline illegal in most states.....8^)
Bcgator,yes,the leather on these are real. As are the walnut veneers used on the panels. I was once told that all speaker manufacturers aspire to be of Sonus faber quality. After buying the Olympicas,I can now see why.Truly a work of art.Not only in the quality of sound,but also,in the all out craftsmanship used in their construction. Bravo SF...