What are your favorite monitors?

I'm interested to hear what your favorite monitors are, both for general reasons and specific reasons. There seem to be a lot of quality monitors out there and it's an easy size to deal with. I'd like to become more familiar with more of them.

For the more specific reason. I'm going to be able to set up a small system in a small room using a modified SS Blue Circle integrated amp and RA Opus 21 CDP. Right now I have a pair of Spendor S3/5 speakers that are very good and this is the approximate size box I'm interested in, but larger are fine too. For this small system are there other monitors that you might recommend, that perhaps have a synergy with BC electronics? With so many monitors available and few available for local demo I would appreciate your critiques of the speakers you like.

I use Audience Au24 speaker cables. My music preference is for mostly classical (not a lot of orchestral), jazz, space music, bluegrass, finger picking acoustic guitar, and some rock music (but don't expect to rock out). I don't like bright speakers. The speakers may not be able to be too far out from the wall; consider this near-filed listening. Since the majority of monitors are not terribly expenisve I'm open to most suggestions price-wise. Thanks.

Has anyone ever had the pleasure of hearing the Duntech PCL 15 "Little Dutchess" speaker. They are no longer in production although there is a brand new pair on ebay for 1600.00. This has to be the most remarkable little speaker I have heard. As well, for the money and sheer musicality, you would be hard pressed to better the Totem Model 1 given the appropriate equipment.
Srajan of 6moons.com, herard the Caravelles at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. They freaked him out. He's doing a review on them next month. You can go to the 6moons site to get some of the scoop as to what his thoughts were at the RMAF. I'm looking forward to the review. It's nice to hear someone raving other than myself, about these babies. peace, warren
Freaked him out? That could be good or bad depending on your interpretation of getting freaked out ; )
Srajan hasn't taken possession of Caravelles for review yet; hopefully the review will live up to the hype.
Brian, I've been waiting a long time for a review, like this. I know it'll be grand. My ears NEVER steer me wrong. peace, warren
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Brian, I guess you spoke to Srajan about the Caravelles? You interested in those babies? Come on you can tell us. All my raving,( adnauseam, I realize), rub off on you. Will a killer review open up your wallet for a pair of them? You mean Srajan's word means more than mine? lol..enjoy that new 52 incher.....
Wh, nope, not interested, mentioned in passing; Srajan's word would mean more though...you say the same about each piece you own (owned).
Dynaudio 52se
Not very big, the highs are very detailed but not harsh. Imaging is first rate. They also put out a good measure of quality bass for a small speaker.
So far the best "bookshelf" I have ever listened to for any extended length of time.
Reference 3a Dulcets. Magic in a small room, for quieter music and listening levels. They disappear into a spacious, airy soundstage, provide unwavering images, and let music through with delightful clarity and directness.
Sonus Faber Signums, Please listen, one of the finest above 40HZ. Set up correctly it is truely one of the few real 3-d speakers out there.
While they are somewhat colored (bit of bloated mid-bass, the box sings a bit), the JM Reynard Trentes are fantastically musical and enjoyable monitor-sized speakers.

If price is no concern, the Gryphon Sonata is something to behold -- it sounds like a much bigger system. I suppose it is not really a monitor, given that the "stand" is an integral part of the speaker, but it is sized like a monitor speaker. Quite amazing, quite pricey.
I have had some monitors at home, I recall with great pleasure the B&W DM12 and N805, as well as a pair of Mission 731i (yes, the small ones - now out of production) but there must be a replacing model you can gather about.

Tannoy DualConcentric
Point source
Phase coherent since 1946
Time coherent since'89
My Little Reds show no power compression up to 114dB spl (the danger is: they are louder than you think)
Efficient at 94 bB 1w/1m.
Ilike the sound of paper cones.
For classical you might find some SRM/SGM 10b.
For those you can get some rather good upgraded boxes and crossover, if you've got the money,I think tey are about 1100$. You have to supply the drivers.
These are probably the best nearfields ever made.
PS.: The upgraded Tannoys are then known as
Manley ML10.
The upgrade costs $1600 and you can find it all at www.manleylabs.com ( sorry , don't know how to link properly).
Go to Tyler Acoustics web-site first. Then call ty who is the owner and builder of the speakers. The Linbrook signature monitors are great speakers and I'm sure once you have heard them you'll agree. These speakers are built by someone who takes a lot of pride in his speakers. I did alot of research before I bought my Linbrooks and I could not be happier. Ty builds speakers the way I would if I was to undertake such a task. Good Luck !
Hey Brian. B
A bigger buzz, about the prodigious sound of the Caravelles, at the Las Vegas Show. Many audiophools are talking about them.