What are your fav “Off Hollywood” films

I thought I'd ask other's here to share their thoughts on flicks they've found to be outstanding, or even their own personal favs… aside from those which Hollywood has promoted to the hilt and everyone already knows about unless they’ve benn living on Saturn.

So if you can think of those ‘non main stream’ efforts, or those films which either didn’t get their due, or only a few likely know about, but are indeed, very good to great film experiences, please share your thoughts here. This would be kind of like an indi list of movies so to speak.

So…. What are your fav non block buster flicks?

Here are some of my favs in no particular order:

1 Lonestar State of Mind
2 Thursday
3 A Bronx Tale
4 Clay Pigeons
5 Palmetto
6 Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead
7 Prophecy (any of the first 3)
8 Hollow Point
9 Ice harvest
10 Take the Money and Run

If you have to include a mainstreamer or two go ahead. I’m curious to see as esoteric as many of us are with audio, what’s up with our tastes in film, and hopefully broaden some perspectives there.

Have fun, and thanks very much

Showing 1 response by stiltskin

So many,

The Hidden, sci fi horror / comedy, "B" flick with a good story line for sci fi, not seen anything like it past or present....I need the key's...

The re-make of the Blob, The Thing, re-make

Happy Birthday Wanda June, certainly differant, dark humour ,a good laugh....sick

Angle Heart, Mickey Rourke and Robert Deniro as the Devil.

Brazil, Time Bandits, The meaning of Life, The Holy Grail, non Hollywood,

Snatch, non Hollywood

American Beauty

Up in Smoke

Heaven Can Wait

Down By Law

Miami Blues

Paper Moon


Mid Night Express

Taxi Driver

True Grit

Dead Wood

OutLaw Josey Whales

Concrete Jungle

The Best Years of Our Lives.

Modern day, Guy Richie and most of Quinton Terintino's films and yes the Cohen brothers including some off beat foreign films.