What are your experience with The Sililoquy 5.3's?

I'm asking for your experience(s) with the Soliloquy 5.3's not the 5.3i's. Models made before 2004. These were made in 1999. What issues have you had and how did you remedy them? What cables, amps, etc. did you have succes with? What cables, amps etc. did you not have success with? Any information you may be able to share will be welcomed?
Thanks in advance.
I loved mine.I used them with Sonic Frontiers FM 75 monos,Tara RSC cables and a Cary 303/200 CD player.I auditioned them with Consonance M400 monos and Ref.CD player.They sounded great in the store(Quest For Sound).I replaced (upgraded} them with 6.3's which I did not like as much.Even after upgrading to SFM 160 monos I still wasn't happy.Funny,I now have the 6.3i's with Cosonsnce Cyber 800 monos and I'm happy again!!!

I still have my pair of original 5.3's circa ~ 1999 with the black drivers and absolutely love them. I switch them in and out with my Maggie 3.6R's (or sometimes Qual ESL 63's). I drive them with 6 watt push pull 2A3, 50 watt JOR integrated (KT 90 tubes), and 200 watt Odyssey Stratos Extreme SE monoblocs and they are great with both the lower powered tubes and high powered SS. I use XLO Signature 1 IC's and cables. Pre is a Modwright 9.0 SE with Raytheon 5687. Source is a Raysonic CD 128. The 5.3's throw a very large soundstage and have amazing base extension considering their modest size and their two small drivers. Transient attack is extremely good as is their imaging. If you have a pair I would definitely keep them, if you are looking to buy a pair, by all means do.