What Are Your Audio Morals?


A. We all want to audition equipment before we buy it;

B. We all want the most for our money;

C. We all can find the same equipment cheaper on the Internet than from high end dealers;

D. We all know that you can't audition equipment on the Internet.

Therefore, the question is: How can you morally audition equipment at dealers when you know you won't be buying there?

After all, the dealer is giving you his time, his advice, the exclusive use of his listening room (all at the expense of customers who may actually biuy from him), a pro-rated percentage of wear and tear on his equipment, and a pro-rated share of his rent, electricity, salaries, advertising, taxes, maintenance, etc.

What do YOU do when you want to audition equipment? Do you:

1. Use your local dealer and buy from him?

2. Use your local dealer and buy elsewhere?

3. Don't use your local dealer, but buy elsewhere as long as you can return it?

4. Take a chance and just buy based on reviews, thinking maybe you can sell it if you hate it?

5. Other?

BTW, I am not a dealer. I'm just aware that if we all use dealers as free audition services knowing we'll buy elsewhere, local dealers will soon be extinct.

Maybe that's OK. Perhaps, with the advent of the Internet, local dealers serve no purpose anymore. That may be a future topic of discussion.

Showing 3 responses by fpeel

Easy. It is a matter of principle and professional ethics (I'm a salesman) that keeps me from using dealers for auditions when my itentions are to buy used.

Fact of the matter is, there is a local dealer who has allowed me to demo several pieces in the past. These guys really do have a fair amount of time invested in me and I've bought one cheap cable from them. Though not to demo at this point, I stick my head in from time to time to see what's new. Sooner or later I'll get this monkey off my back by finding something in this shop that will repay their investment in me. It'd be a lot easier if they didn't carry uninteresting stuff like Martin Logan, Thiel and Classe. Maybe those Sonus Fabers in the corner... ;-)
Whomever was offended by my above comments, probably the weak attempt at humor, please accept my sincerest apologies. Far be it from me to try to interject a little levity into an otherwise perfect, cheerful world. I should know better, am humbled by your greatness and shudder to imagine the power you wield. As a form of payback here's another opportunity to stab me in the back with some faceless negative votes. I'm certain you'll take it. F*cking Pr*ck.

Hey, Arnie. Your children are loose again. Want to get them in hand?
Jhunter, those are the guys. I've found them to be the most helpful and upfront reseller in the area. My initial joke aside (note the smilie, morons), they carry a good variety of excellent products, don't mind answering questions and keep reasonable hours. They even have a smidge of used equipment for sale. The owner, whose name escapes me, is especially pleasant. BAA does have a BIG focus on custom installations of HT systems which according to the owner is really their bread and butter. Hey, whatever keeps the doors open, right? Highly recommended store.

On the subject of the negative voting, I checked yesterday before allowing myself to get good and agitated. From a high of over 70+ in both categories I'm now down about -10 in each. My goal now is to irritate Arnie's Kids to the point that Agon kicks me off their site. At this rate it shouldn't take much more than a week. It'll certainly free up a lot more time for listening! Hang on Tireguy, I'm coming! (There's a joke in that line somewhere...)