What are you streaming tonight?

As we are in the modern age of music I thought I would see how this fares.
We have threads specific for cdp and tt so why not streaming as it is a modern media.
I don't care if you stream Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Paradise Radio or any number of internet stations.
I would like you to share your tastes and method of streaming.

Showing 46 responses by ghosthouse

Hey there @pokey77

I thought you weren’t into female singers?! ;-)

Gillian Welch, indeed. The significant other of Dave Rawlings. Ever listened to any of The Dave Rawlings Machine? Sort of country but warped. The music seems more profound than the lyrics but maybe the lyrics are an insider thing that I just don’t get. Anyway, Nashville Obsolete and Friend of a Friend are worth checking out. Pretty certain GW does harmony vocals with him. String arrangements on one of those (Nashville Obsolete, I think) are superb.
via Tidal (though for whatever reason SQ is not as pristine as other times/albums)...

Robin Thrower - What Lies Beneath 
New to me.  Thanks to mental for mentioning it.  Enjoying it despite the occasional glitch...even RT's vocals.
The Sea and Cake - Any Day

New to me though the band is not.  Like their roots.  

Found it on Spotify but not Tidal.  Lemme know if you do.   
Joe Bonamassa - Redemption (Tidal)

Along with a few interesting tips of the hat to Led Zeppelin, JB continues to find ways to keep that blooz-rock thang fresh.

Track 3 here...

Something you might like (maybe)...

Virgil Donati - In This Life (Tidal)

(See comments to you and N at The Minority Report)
File under, "serendipity"...
Was looking for the YouTube link to track 8, Running On Line to post here when you posted to the Minority Report about 10 minutes ago.  

Anyway, check out Dennis Chambers' - Groove & More

Good for what might be ailing ya.  Some fine playing all around.  Partial to Brian Auger's Hammond contributions.

Hoping you find it time well spent, U.

Curious what you think (though I doubt it is your first listen).
Glad you enjoyed the recording quality, U.  Have to agree with your comment about later Genesis being too poppy and chart driven.  I pretty much stopped following them after "...And Then There Were Three" (though Duke, Abacab and the '83 s/t Genesis still have good material on them).  

Hopefully this recommendation serves you better than Consequences did! 

If at all interested in exploring Collins' drummer chops in a completely non-commercial (fusion) vein, pull up some Brand X.  Unorthodox Behavior  is on Tidal but I don't know about Quboz.
Good you weren't "stuck" with Consequences, U.  Also nice to know there's at least one other fan of it out there.

Did you find Brand X to your liking (with or without aid of Bailey's and Hot Chocolate)?

As far as Kate Bush...what's not to love?

Jason Falkner - Presents Author Unknown

Untitled (last track)
Be sure to listen through at least the 2 minute mark and catch the long but gorgeous outro.  


If you are enjoying music by Jellyfish (and Jason Faulkner's contribution in particular), check out The Grays', Ro-Sham-bo.   Thanks to Pokey77 for turning me on to them (and JF).

fyi...I misspelled Jason Falkner's name in my post above. 
It is correct here (no U in his surname).  
For 'u' -

Supreme Beings of Leisure - 11i
It's on Tidal; dunno about Q-buzz.
Myself, playing ripped CD from hard drive via Aries Mini.

Owe this one to audio-sensei, D.Patterson.  Excellent song-writing, production and SQ.  

Here's a knock out track...  

Thanks, u.  Do not know that one but found it on Tidal.  Will be listening to it later this evening.
Those sleigh bells are a great touch in Jack of Speed.  One of my favorite tracks on 2 Against.
Joanne Shaw Taylor - White Sugar
(this is one of the few AAC files encountered on Tidal)
AAC on Tidal?  Yeah, U...every once in a while (based on what the Aries Mini reports it is streaming) - the exception to the FLAC rule that governs a HiFi subscription.  I think another one I encountered was Joe Bonamassa's A New Day Yesterday - Live (but don't quote me on that).  Sort of a curiosity which is why I mentioned it.    
Ruby Rushton - Ironside

As suggested by Dougsat.  A very listenable, modern take on (hard bop?) jazz by members of the London underground (or so I read) and I gather they ain't talking about the subway.  

Track 2 - Where Are You Now?
@uberwaltz - 
You are certainly welcome but (again) credit to Facten for pointing me in SK's direction.  He has a huge list of credits and a lengthy discography. 

In my limited sampling so far, not everything at the same level of "interesting" but I'd be surprised if you didn't find something that's a keeper/must buy recording.    Lots of material to explore, that's for sure.  I'll be re-listening to Eyewitness, I am certain.
Luther Allison - Driving Wheel from Luther's Blues 1974 (Tidal)

a great rhythm section has to be the secret sauce

Thanks to Facten for posting about this cat over on The Minority Report.  Hadn't listened to him for years and years.  Great reminder.  Glad to renew the acquaintance.

Playing Luther's Blues start to finish.  
Simon Phillips - Protocol II

Lots to like on this one.  Good compositions, excellent musicianship, fantastic sound quality streamed from Tidal (and that seems to be less of a given, recently). 

Can't recall who planted the seed for this one...owe 'em a "thank you".  Good stuff.    
Hope you like it, u.

FWIW - been there, done that.
Way too many Holiday Inns in way too many "garden spots" across the USA during a 30+ year career.
You have my sympathy


Thanks for posting bout the Lars Danielsson.  I have Liberetto I - III.  Didn't know about Cloudland; something new to explore.  Thanks.

Agree with you about the ACT label. Quality repertoire. Kinda reminds me of ECM in that regard.

Another recording to check out if you haven’t come across it (in somewhat the same style as the Liberetto music...similar "mood" anyway): Espen Eriksen Trio - Never Ending January.  A great title given that’s how the last 12 - 18 months have seemed with the pandemic. It’s like the summer of 2020 never really happened.  Anyway, it is on the Rune Grammofon label. You can find it on Tidal.  Hope you enjoy.

I note your use of the word "jazz".
Had previously found myself wondering about whether that applies to the Lars Danielsson stuff or the Espen Eriksen, etc. Their studio pieces seem highly structured without much (obvious) improvisation, at least as recorded but I can well imagine these ensembles opening up and stretching their legs in a live setting. The jazz label fits, though maybe not to the "traditionalist".