What are you powering your Martin Logans with????

I have a set of Prodigy's that are being powered by a Audio Research VT200. It sounds great, I recently upgraded from Sonic Frontiers Power 2. System sounds much cleaner, with a deeper soundstage, and just smooooth. I am wondering what other people's set-up's are and what they think of them.

Anyone using Wolcott mono's........... or other ARC gear????

Showing 1 response by zenaissance

I am currently powering my Aerius i's with the PS Audio HCA-2 which I find provides enough power. There is good bass extension and the sound is quite vivid without being edgy or harsh- almost tube-like as advertised. It does help that my Pass Labs X2.5 brings out all the good qualities of this amp.

Happy Listening!


The Martin Logan Club


"There is no better Martin Logan than a bigger Martin Logan"