What are you powering your Martin Logans with????

I have a set of Prodigy's that are being powered by a Audio Research VT200. It sounds great, I recently upgraded from Sonic Frontiers Power 2. System sounds much cleaner, with a deeper soundstage, and just smooooth. I am wondering what other people's set-up's are and what they think of them.

Anyone using Wolcott mono's........... or other ARC gear????

Showing 1 response by hiflyer

I used to own Martin Logan Requests and powered them with Clayton M70 monoblocks. The sound was phenomenal to the point of goosebumps mated with an Audible Illusions L1 preamp. I missed that set up at times... The high current Clayton amps are a match made in heaven with ML's. I saw a pair for sale $2800.00. which is a good price.

I now own the Clayton S40 and will be using Rick Reimer Wind River GS speakers when they arrive.