What are we objectivists missing?

I have been following (with much amusement) various threads about cables and tweaks where some claim "game changing improvements" and other claim "no difference".  My take is that if you can hear a difference, there must be some difference.  If a device or cable or whatever measures exactly the same it should sound exactly the same.  So what are your opinions on what those differences might be and what are we NOT measuring that would define those differences?


Showing 3 responses by henry53

Measurements. A well known measurements based reviewer lambasted a product for one singular measurement, in the report no mention was made of listening whatsoever to the product. The product measured 0.003% distortion. You cannot hear 0.003% distortion. The same pages waxes lyrical about a turntable that has 0.06% wow and flutter, that’s 20 times higher, and also quotes others at over 200 times w&f. 

Playing golf recently I won a ball for longest drive, it caused great debate, was it red or orange? About 50% of other golfers round the table said each colour, you cannot tell someone what they see and you cannot tell someone what they hear.

Being an Audiophile is primarily about 2 things, your equipment and how it sounds. Each person is unique, what you hear is determined by your ears and your brain, what you enjoy is determined by your preferences and experience. I have frequently sat in a colleagues room or store demonstration room and listened whilst someone told me how great it sounded, but to me it sounded awful.  Long experience trying to like Klipsch or Cyrus electronics comes to mind (separate story told here more than once). I cannot say Klipsch speakers sound terrible, but I can say they do to me. You can measure them until the cows come home, they will still sound terrible to me. This pastime is all about finding an illusion,( the Beatles or Bach are not playing music in your lounge room tonight), that you like. Someone telling you that  a different illusion sounds better or measures better is completely pointless. Trying to be completely objective about something that is essentially subjective is not scientific.