What are we objectivists missing?

I have been following (with much amusement) various threads about cables and tweaks where some claim "game changing improvements" and other claim "no difference".  My take is that if you can hear a difference, there must be some difference.  If a device or cable or whatever measures exactly the same it should sound exactly the same.  So what are your opinions on what those differences might be and what are we NOT measuring that would define those differences?


Showing 1 response by buckhorn_cortez

Audio for audiophiles is like golf for golf enthusiasts.  If you think there's a problem someone is willing to sell you a solution.  If you don't know there's a problem, someone is willing to invent one - and sell you the solution.  People have fun with either pastime attempting to invent perfection for themselves - which they'll never achieve but that's all part of the challenge.