What are we listening for during break in?

Is it time for a reality check? A few days ago a post was started which asked a question concerning burn in of interconnect cables. The consensus of answers agreed that this was a necessary function with no opposing view. The recommendation that got me thinking was to install the ICs between cd player and preamp and use a test disc for 250 hours. My immediate reaction to that bit of advice was "give me a break." That is roughly equal to listening to 250 cds. Considering the amount of time I spend listening to music, it would take me six months to break in ICs.
I have experienced a sonic change after new speaker break in period so I'm not argueing break in doesn't occur. Whether a sonic difference occurs after ICs break in is another matter.
My question is, what are we listening for when we run our equipment for 250 hours just to break in an IC or modification? I don't mean why listen to music, I mean what sonic difference are we hearing? Is it better, worse, different, What the?
Only problem with Kimbers 'explanation' and river water analogy is that electrical current in wire DOES NOT flow in only one direction as a water current. So whatever 'change' brought to the wire due to one way current flow will be 'reversed' when the current reverses, won't it?. This especially true with PC where the 'current' reverses 60 times a second.
Curious, what cable company claims to not need break in?
Bob P.
Do electrons cause friction as they flow through cable? Even with "skin effect" they flow close to surface not on it.
This brings me to the next cable myth- "directionality."
Cable manufacturers will basically say whatever is needed to not alienate their clientele, dealers, and distributors. There are very fragile egos involved in this triumverate.
Ask an electrical engineer about wires "breaking in" and he will laugh hysterically. The only break in is your ears acclimating to the new sound. Audiophiles over analyze everything and the cable break in thing is just another ego stroker plain and simple.
Charlie, your over analzing audiophiles you dont even know. Sorry, I am not hearing things and wire sounds different after break in. I have heard this on dozens of occasions. No, I am sane and well aware of things that look, taste, feel and smell different. Stop insulting folks you dont even know.
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