what are the tradeoff for these cables?

dear A'goners,

a lot of talk on positive comments/remarks on cables characteristics... how about some discussions on what are the weakness or tradeoff that you encounter when you insert the following power cables into your specific systems (or perhaps other systems that you're familiar with)

1) Sunny cables

2) Omega Mikro

3) Silver Audio

4) Jade Audio

5) Isoclean

just trying to gather the common points (something like statistical data) of the cables character. Hope this thread can identify the cable which can give OVERALL IMPROVEMENT (however slight) rather than a cable that sacrifice something to get other things right. Please chime in if you do came across cables that give overall improvements.

Thanks in advance,



Showing 3 responses by jafant


are you in a position to audition these cables at your local dealer/retailer?
This is the best place to start eval any cables/power cords.
Next, would be to get an in-home demo, to test your particular environment.