What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
would love to know if anyone has heard curious evolved and fta callisto and/or shunyata venom/alpha/sigma.

i have a curious evolved but never heard anything other.  on order is an fta.  wondering if i should have gone alpha.  part of me suspects alpha will be noiseless but also tonally deficient.  not sure if that is a reasonable thought or not.
I've tried quite a few USB cables  and they are the most unpredictable of the bunch. What's good for one setup , sounds awful in the other. 
They are extremely hardware dependent. Therefore any advice with them doesn't mean much. You'll have to audition them yourself. 
One thing though, I found that my impressions were very similar to those people's  who had the same  transports as I do ( Antipodes CX-EX combo ) . The rest of the gear didn't matter much. 
I tried several and ended up with Totaldac and Curious (first version).  For USB, I thought the Totaldac cable bettered the Curious but with my gear I actually found both AES/EBU and I2S bettered the USB connection and I like I2S the best.  Antipodes DX (Ethernet) to Metrum Ambre (I2S) to Metrum Adagio.
Try some Dcoustic BBQ
Made by Bill Dion.
He sells here on Audiogon
They punch way above their price