What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)?

I'm looking for Vandersteen Quatro CT, Wilson Sabrina or DeVore Fidelity Orangutan 0/93 or 0/96. I rarely find it or in some cases, before I make an offer, it is gone. What other speakers are a rare find?
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Showing 2 responses by glow_worm

Three_easy....yep I’ve been keeping my eye out for D7s or D9s for some time now, rarely happens. I think it’s because there just aren’t lot of them in the US, plus owners hang on to them. 
You could try deciding on a couple speakers you are interested in and run “wanted” ads. I did this for a pair of tube friendly, fairly rare speakers and was contacted and bought them with no competitive offers. The only problem is that this took almost a year, so if you’re in a hurry this isn’t an optimum solution. You never know though, could work out quickly.