What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?

Also what bass driver or drivers do they use?


Showing 1 response by dr_joe

The smallest speaker of which I have personal experience that goes down to 20 Hz would be the Hart Audio Phoenix. It’s spec’d by the manufacturer (David Hart) as –3 dB @ 16.33 Hz. Dimensions are: 36" H x 16" W x 20" D. But each cabinet weighs 94 kg (over 200 lbs.), in part because of the great weight of the Tannoy SuperDual drivers used in the design (Type 2510 10" Dual Concentric and Type 3112 12" LF driver) and in part because the cabinets are made entirely of a fibre-impregnated resin. The bass driver is loaded into a folded horn adapted from the Tannoy GRF. Rated system sensitivity is well over 100 dB. They perform equally well with low-powered tube amps and high-powered solid-state amps. As far as I know, sold only direct from the manufacturer.