What are the odds......

....of making a really good sounding system better?

If it is really good odds are it is very hard to make better.

If it gets better all the time chances are it may not have been very good to start with.

Different is not always better although better is a very subjective thing. Is it even possible to quantify “the best” or even “better”? Music is a complex beast.

When is good good enough? YMMV. 

Back to listening now. I am thankful for what I got.

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

Making system sound better is usually not due to chance or luck but thoughtful evaluation and adherence to known concepts. It is also easy to make things worse. Usually when that happens it is because I fell for false marketing which I have done on three or four occasions. It is also not just the sound but rather how the system works and looks. We all have a high degree of pride in ownership. Having a system that is easy to use, well set up in nice cabinetry and void of any irritating quirks increases that pride. As an example the Oppo is a great value and does a lot of things no other unit will do. It functions as my video switcher. However, it's transport is the slowest I have ever used. You can measure the time it takes to open on a sun dial. I am working on getting rid of it. I'll probably go with the McIntosh Blu Ray player which supposedly has a great transport.
A system that looks good and works good always sounds better. There is nothing wrong with using psychoacoustics to good effect. Sounding better is sounding better, no mater how you get there. The word, psychoacoustics has such negative connotations with audiophiles and it should not. I just hate seeing some companies taking advantage of this to steal your money with phony marketing. You can work with your system taking advantage of psychoacoustic without spending piles of money on voodoo witchcraft.