What are the current useless terms in this "audio world"

Throughout the history of marketing of all kinds of consumer goods there have been many useless, hyperbole phrases and words used.  It seems on ebay, here, craigslist and others a current pet of Sellers is taking something to "the next level"....  which sounds like a great marketing term for an elevator maker.   


Showing 8 responses by jusam

Thank you to all.  I got a few good chuckles out of your responses.  There is a classic Jazz song named, "Compared to What"...and it is true that everything can possibly be seen as something compared to something else, including humans. 

My fear is that the Swallow being referred to is the common Barn Swallow.....what an "8-track" of birds.......

barn swallow - Google Search
"parentheses" - or brackets,  my use of these on the words "Audio World" was and is the sarcasm I meant 
it seems that the audition then marriage of a mate doesn’t guarantee good mileage or longevity.
"a sense of air around the instruments" .  Evidently the brass or woodwind players are blowing too strongly? 
...well, if talking beer, local micro breweries are my favorites, especially on tap from a keg that are un-pasteurized...the idea of heating beer is a good way to kill a great beer.