What are the best receptacles and plugs?

I am about to complete the wiring of my dedicated circuits and am wondering what receptacles and plugs A-goners feel are the best. The ones I am looking at are: PS Audio's Power Port, Furutech Gold Receptacle, Wattgate Gold Plug, Furutech Gold Plug and Furutech Rhodium Plug. There is a wide range of prices and wonder if the extra cost is worth the investment.
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Showing 1 response by tombowlus

I recently went through the same process. Based upon the other threads on this site, I opted for Albert Porter's cryo'd Hubbells (aka Porter Ports). These went into my wall outlets (on two separate dedicated lines, from a breakout box/circuits BEFORE my main service panel). One line (for pream/source) was all Belden 83803 12AWG, and the other was for power amps, and used 10AWG Romex (the 9AWG Bedlen 83806 was a bit too pricy for my length of run). I also had an existing, shared line receptacle replaced with a Porter Port (this is for TV and VCR). Out of the Hubbells, each line (including the shared line) feeds a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet. Two are the standard UO's, and each of these had their receptacles replaced with Porter Ports. The one feeding the amps is a 20A High Current Ultimate Outlet, and as the HC already comes with a Power Port, I left it as is. From there, I have two custom made 4-way boxes (each using two Porter Ports) with in-line switches and using the 12AWG Belden for the preamp/source and 9AWG Belden for the amps.

Ernie Munier supplied (and partially assembled) the Belden wire and breakout boxes. I picked up the cryo'd Hubbells from Albert. Both of these fellow Audiogoners are extremely helpful, very professional individuals, and I highly recommend that you make contact with them. Of course, they may not agree on EVERYTHING! ;^)

While I was not able to dissect the individual benefits of each and every component of my AC upgrade, the net effect is quite audible. Most notably, my low end has really strengthened, and the highs seem a bit more smooth. Also, where my amps would show signs of distortion before when I started really cranking them, now, the distortion lights are unlit pretty much no matter what I do.

Hope this helps, Tom.