What are important features in a listening chair

Been wondering what features are important to you in a listening chair. 

(Besides the drink holder and familiar smell...)

Showing 2 responses by glupson


Going for a concert is experience regardless of how it sounds there. In fact, many times home sound is more "lively" etc. than real sound but that is another topic altogether. For some reason, chairs in concert halls are usually not that comfortable to me but I somehow manage not to notice until the end. Not to mention knee room. It is still good experience so location may be more important than the chair or some ultimate bass extension and what not.

Five hours is a long time to sit in a chair and listen to music. I am impressed how many people find that much time and patience. I usually have it on but rarely sit and just focus on music. That happens mostly when I am captive audience. Not as the one from the link above although also with my belt fastened tight across my waist etc. Now, when I think about it, you are right about the rain.
The most important would be that it is located in the concert hall.

Does everyone here really have time to sit and listen for more than a few minutes? How much time does an average Audiogoner spend sitting and listening?