What are important features in a listening chair

Been wondering what features are important to you in a listening chair. 

(Besides the drink holder and familiar smell...)

Showing 7 responses by geoffkait

Satellite dishes need to be larger for weaker signals (for the same frequency). It’s the same thing with cupping ears. As you turn the volume up and/or improve room acoustics cupping the ears is much less impressive.
Geez, now I’m thinking maybe I should revive my Ortho Ears ear prostheses that make your ears look just like Mr. Spock’s. It’s only been 25 years. Metaphors be with you.
Interestingly, the cup your ears trick doesn't work once you've straightened out the dynamic range in your system. 
Ah, I see there are skeptics regarding the IKEA Poang Chair. Excellent, excellent. Here’s what you can do. Take the Poang Chair completely out of the room. Replace it with a chair that does not (rpt not) have a lot of foam in it, an plain ordinary chair. Now, you tell me if the sound is not better without the Poang Chair. Clearer and more musical. It’s not rocket science. 🚀
Somebody could make a ton of money by inventing a standing chair for audiophiles. 

“Sitting is the new cancer.” - Tim Cook, Apple CEO ( all Apple employees are required to use standing desks)
The IKEA Puang Chair takes a lot of heat from yours truly due to the foam they use in the chair. It’s a Trojan Horse. It might be the worst thing ever foisted on gullible naive audiophiles. Makes the sound all weird and phasey like. Very reminiscent of SONEX, another sonic catastrophe.