What amps do you use with your Revel Salons/Studio

I'm using an EAD PowerMaster 2000, and was toying with the idea of going to a 2-channel, or getting a pair of monos. Not sure of tube/SS...what are y'all using?

Showing 1 response by justacoder

The best I have heard the Revel Salons sound was with the Halcros at CES 2002. There was a top to bottom rightness about the sound, though still somewhat cold and lifeless. The Halcros and Salons had a kind of calm synergy, like two old friends meeting who like each other but are maybe too much alike to be best buddies.

A near second, and somewhat livelier version was with the Linn 500 watt monoblock pizza boxes we heard at Sounds Like Music in Phoenix, AZ a few years ago. They easily beat out the big Levinson 33s in a side by side comparison except that the 33s had just slightly more liquidity and solidity. But the Linns had more life, PRaT, naturalness (by a hair), speed (the Linns are FAST), and musicality. The Linn monos, however, are a little TOO fast sometimes and add a slight edge all of their own to some aspects of the music - some people finding them the slightest bit dry and lean.

Just some more data points, probably doesn't help you much though...

-Mike (Audio Federation)