What amp would you suggest for Magnepan MG12s

I really love the Magnepan speakers I want the 1.6s but they are too big for my place, so I am going with the MG12s. I really need some suggestions on the correct amp to pair with these speakers. I am thinking about the following amps (but I am open to suggestions sub $2500 used) Cary CAD120s, Audio Research VS55, VS60 or possibly a McIntosh if I can afford it or a perhaps an integrated: Cary SLI 80, McIntosh MA6300, 6500 or 6600, Audio Research VSI55,VSI60, or an Integrated Krell or Ayre. What does everyone think?

Showing 1 response by recordho

One amp for sure is the Modified Moscode 300 or 600. MOdified is more refined than stock units. But with a few upgrades a stock unit especially the 600 will surprise you. The Odyssey Stratos is another high current amp that should also do a great job on the Maggies. I would prefer to have a tube preamp in the front end with those amps. The amps you mentioned above will work well with the maggies too. If you are a rocker and want to play very loud by all means go for the power. But if you are on a budget the Moscode 600 will make them sing. If you can find one. The newer Moscode amps will do a truly wonderful job too.