What amp would you suggest for Magnepan MG12s

I really love the Magnepan speakers I want the 1.6s but they are too big for my place, so I am going with the MG12s. I really need some suggestions on the correct amp to pair with these speakers. I am thinking about the following amps (but I am open to suggestions sub $2500 used) Cary CAD120s, Audio Research VS55, VS60 or possibly a McIntosh if I can afford it or a perhaps an integrated: Cary SLI 80, McIntosh MA6300, 6500 or 6600, Audio Research VSI55,VSI60, or an Integrated Krell or Ayre. What does everyone think?

Showing 1 response by palewin

Recommend you take a look at the Planar Speaker forum over on Audio Asylum, here ; the server is down today (Monday 1/4) but hopefully will be back soon. The vast consensus in that forum is for a solid state amp which can deliver high current (typically one that doubles power from 8 ohms to 4 ohms, possibly to 2 ohms). Some (including me) pair the SS amp with a tube pre-amp. Maggie typically demos their speakers with Bryston amps at audio shows, in line with Jallen's post. Others recommend various Class D amps (I use an Audio Research 150.2) but Class D also has a lot of detractors, so that's one that requires a personal listen. But if you look at the Forum you will see quite a few questions regarding recommended amps and the related responses, many more than in a more general forum such as this one.