What Amp with Sonus Faber Olympica 3?

Greetings....Curious to know what amp are you using with the Olympica 3?  Seems they need some juice at the 80-120Hz region and dip to 2-ohms so I understand it takes some current to properly drive. Just sold a ARC Ref110 and looking for a replacement. Short list:

Pass Labs 150.8 or 30.8
Audio Research Ref 150/75SE
McIntosh MC275
Primaluna EVO 400 

Preamp is a Primaluna EVO 400. Listening room is 16x16 with vaulted ceilings and listening volume level can top out around 90db give or take a few  :)

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Showing 2 responses by arafiq

I might be comparing apples to oranges, but FWIW, I tried a GSi75 that took KT150s with Olympica II. The sound was impressive but it just didn't exert much control over the woofers. 
Put Luxman M-900u on your list as well. I have the little brother Olympica II that also craves high current. I have a Luxman 590AXII and it never runs out of steam. the m900u is a significant step above mine though.