what amp under a grand?

I have vienna acoustic mozart grand marantz sr5005 avr,marantz 8001 sacd,vieanna theatro center,b&w 600s3 for rears,current amp adcom 555mk2.looked at used parasound hca 2003 thx, rotel rb 993, and and an adcom 5802.im fine with the performance the marantz gives me for ht but for two channel sound is muddy. i think its the amp? any advice on a used amp that would bring out the detail of the mozarts?

Showing 50 responses by jughead

Just got the p5 today, and wow! it blows the 2100 away! im running my adcom 555 mk2 with it until my a21 comes mon. the adcom sounds real good with the p5 cant wait to hear the a21.
which would be the better connection with the a21 and the p5? balanced or unbalanced?
working on a deal to get a bel canto s300. as grannyring pointed out my speakers need a crisp, clean and fast amp.
well i went ahead and bid a marantz pm8004 its cheap enough to give a shot,if it works well ill get one with more power.anthem makes an integrated amp @300 watts into 4ohms.haveto save my change and collect cans to get that one.
yeah i think youre right about room interaction,didnt really think about that.the adcom 555mk2 and 5802 was adcoms best amps in my opinion.could try other things like audioquest pwr cables? granite plinth under viennas.
lost bid on marantz but scored a parasound 2100 for 250. the only prob with the 2100 is the volume control on remote does not work.any ideas on a universal remote?
cd player analog ran with audioquest king cobra,speakers ran with audioquest mont blanc,amp to avr with audioquest jaguar. distance between speakers is 8ft,30 inch from side and rear walls.
thanks for the advice.i think i might order the ghent dual mono and give them a try its 899 right now, and risk free where can i go wrong? plus its small! i do have a line on a rotel rb 1582 less than a year old for 800.
like all amps i hear good and bad about emotiva. but at 800 bucks i can get a 3 channel,330 watts into 4ohms and 260 into my 6 ohm theatro center.
bel canto 300m, rotel rb 1582, ghent dual mono, mccormack dna 225,adcom 5802,jolida 502p,emotiva xpa 3. whats the best match for my set up?
just got my parasound 2100 in the mail today. and wow! the viennas came to life! nice to have 2 channel sound again, but i still think i can do a little better than the adcom amp.
i will give this a try a let you know the outcome tomorrow.thanks for your advice.
i do have a chance at a rotel rb 1582mk2 or a parasound hca 2003thx. both under a grand,has anyone heard these amps?if so do they sound better than the adcom 555mk2?
have the speakers set from side walls to center of speakers, but from rear wall will be a prob.diagram wants 8ft from rear wall, i can get this closer than it was,but cant do 8ft.
well bel canto class d,ghent audio gas500b (dual mono) rotel class d or jolita 502p. which would be the best amp for my set up? and future set ups?
i will look into this,makes sense.thank you all for the input, have a lot of food for thought now.
what would the bel canto i300 cost new or used? i can get a used marantz pm 8004 for 350. but i do think in my situation an integrated amp with ht bypass is the way to go.my system is for family as well, used for movies and gaming.if it was just for me an avr would not be in the picture!
oh i agree with you paraneer, i dont think its the amp.the adcom 555 mk2 hits 330 watts @4ohms,and i think if i could run it with a good pre amp the mozarts would have more life to them.330 watts is way more juice then i know what to do with!what pre amps have ht bypass? because i would like to keep the adcom in the mix, to much power is better than not having enough.
thank you for the advice,what would be a good amp to pair with my setup? i still think more juice would open up the va more.
yep i agree, looking at a few bel cantos. the i 300 and the s300 i can get for real cheap. and i had a lot of good advice, speaker placement brought the speakers out of the dark and the parasound 2100 brought speakers to life! and the advice on more juice will be the icing on the cake. not so sure about a class d amp? but im willing to give it a try.
at 200 wpc into 4 ohms would that be enough to really open these speakers up? i can get this amp right now.
think im gonna try the parasound 2125, i think it'll be a good match for the 2100 pre amp.
yet another curve ball! 2125 is sold, but i have a chance at a hca 1500a.im sure this would be a good match as well. deff a lot more power!
having a problem with the parasound 2100, its hooked up as instructed in owners manual i have my ps4,ps3, and blueray ran into avr with hdmi and they all work fine. my cable box ran the same way hdmi into avr,there is a picture but the only sound i get is a loud buzz? when i disconnect all the rca cables from the 2100 sound outputs from the avr as it should. and yes the 2100 is off when i want to use the avr and turned on when i want 2ch. anyone have an idea of why everything else would work fine but not the cable box?
the parasound 2100 pre with the 2250 amp, brought the va's outta the dark. im hearing the details in the mozarts with much more clarity now. its not louder than the adcom 555mk2 but has more finesse for sure. Viennas get a bad rap about being a dark sounding speaker, not imo. they are a bit laid back for sure, but very smooth and warm sounding, very musical! they deff need a lot of power and good components to make them shine. thank you all for your help and input. speaker placement, pre amp with ht bypass and more power, brought life once again to the mozarts. thank you all.
any thoughts on the parasound a23 amp, and the p5 preamp? i really like this combo.
Think im gonna up my budget for my amp pre amp. Im looking at the Parasound a23 or the a21 amp, and the p5 pre amp. im sold on the p5 but unsure about the amp. would it be smarter to go with the a21 specs look the same except for the power supply of course.has anyone owned these amp?
speakers are 90 dbw sens @ 4ohm, listening taste ranges from tool,slipknot,lamb of god, to nat king cole, seal.i pretty much listen to all music except for hip hop. room size i 15 by 19.
Well here is the deal, I can get a parasound a21 brand new with warranty for a great deal and the same with the a23. but with a good deal on the a21 its still very expensive 2k. and the a23 i can get for around $800 new. the only diff i see between the amps are power output and peak. andi would think the a23 being a john curl design along with the p5 pre would blow away my 2100 and 2250 combo.
Has anyone owned either of these amps? if so besides the obvious (a21 has more power) what is the diff between the two?
IDK but i would think the a23 would be enough @ 225 watts into 4 ohms. and if is not enough a year from now, i could always get another one and bridge them. but i do think the a23 and p5 would be a big improvement over the 2100 and 2250.
Yes I have the 2100 and 2250 as of now, but I got a real good deal on the p5 brand new so went ahead and bought it. my room is about 15 by 19 and I never listen to music at ear bleeding levels, only because my wife hates my music taste. but I would think that the p5 and a23 combo would be a noticeable step above the 2100 and 2250? If I bought the a21 then yes end of game this will be my amp for years to come but that could be true for the a23 as well.but I agree 100% with paraneer put more focus on the pre amp this is where the refinement of sound happens. I know that these are the two amps iv'e narrowed it down to, but when I get read to pull the trigger on the a21 I think to myself do I really need that much power?
I went with the a21 $1995 b stock full warranty, just wanted to get a future proof amp and be done.This is my end of the game amp as far as amps go.with all the power of this amp i cant go wrong, and at a good price! I should have the p5 thur and the amp fri, ill let you know how it sounds.
Runnin you asked about cables, ill be using siltec silver xlr for the amp pre amp, and acrolink silver rca for sacd and audioquest jags for all the ht bypass connections. and audioquest k2 speaker cable.
Yeah I think i'll be using xlr connects,I have a set of siltech anniversary series model 770i pure silver and gold. no since in not using them.
Just got the a21 today and WOW! this amp is unreal! way more power than I expected but the Mozart's love it. and it sound amazing right out of the box. when ups came to the the door with a box the size of a box that would fit a small lawnmower inside, I thought to myself is this overkill? nope its perfect I love it!
Well the journey for amps is over,the a21 and the p5 are pieces i will have for years to come and will never let them go. the design of these pieces are beautiful! the sound is even better way better than I expected. The Mozarts came to life with this combo of power and finesse. my next goal is the Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Grands, but this will be a few year's down the road. but I would like to thank everyone for there input,and a special thanks to paraneer and tls49 for taking there time to guide me in the right direction, with speaker placement and pre amp with ht bypass.and grannyring's suggesting more power. and to runnin for encouraging me to get the "end of game amp" I love my new amp and preamp and most importantly love the sound of music again! thank you all it was a fun journey!