What amp. to use with Totem Forest?

Picked up Forest speaker last night. I am currently using a Hafler XL600,lots of power. I would like hear what poeple are using.
I am going to bi amp the Totems1 with two Conrad johnson Sonographe SA250 soon.What will be a good choice of a pair of biwire speakers cables to drive the totems and produce something warm, sweet treble and wide soundstage. Your help on some makes will be apperciated.

Noel (malaysia)
I've got mine hooked up to a Conrad Johnson MF-2200. I'm waiting for a matching pre to finish the package. Probably the Premiere 14 , or PV-14.
The PLINIUS 8200 Mk II integrated amp - i also was at the NY Sterophile show. WONDERFUL sound, and yep - the room was always full of people just enjoying.
I asked Vince why he chose an integrated direct into the speaker...other rooms had big super-expensive, exotic preamps and separate amps demo'ing their speakers. He just said that the Plinius integrateds (and separate amps) went well with his products. He just liked the sound. Me too.