What amp to pair with a Hafler DH-110 Preamp?

I recently purchased a refurbished , recapped back up to factory specifications Hafler DH-110 Preamp. I had one back in the day and liked how it sounded. I thought it was the best one from Hafler when used a Hafler amp and with a good turntable set up. What amplifiers would go best with it to power ADS L1590 or ADS MK1290 floor stander speakers? The MK1290 ADS speakers are not nearly as bright sounding as the ADS L1590 model. The latter has a high efficiency rating. Speakers are in very good condition and one pair has been refurbished and brought back up to spec. Also own and use a pair of Snell Model E speakers that sound nice. 


Showing 3 responses by arichison

I think you are spot on Jason! I will try looking for  a restored/recapped Hafler DH220. Is your sound with your Hafler combination warm and rich? Just curious, are you using your Snell speakers with this combination? 

Thank you qdrone! I just went on the musical concepts website. Wow. I also have a reference B &K amplifier that still sounds nice. I see he has modified and upgraded some of those as well. Thank you for the advice. I love this forum. This will be fun to try another amp in the system. 

I pulled the trigger on a DH-200 recapped and restored back up to factory specs. I used to love the sound this amp made with the mosfet inside when paired with the Hafler preamp. I had no idea about the later Hafler 9505 and 9303 models. Interesting. Thank you for the help. Great forum!