What amp to get for Dahlquist DQ12's?

I've recently acquired a pair of Dahlquist DQ12's that have been fully restored. They sound great, but I'm currently running them through a basic Yamaha htr-5550 receiver. This receiver is rated at 75wpc, and I'm not sure this is enough to sufficiently power the DQ12's.

I'm currently debating whether I should just build a pure stereo system primarily for listening to vinyl, or whether I should continue to keep up a DTS/Dolby surround system for movies. That being said, I'd love to hear suggestions for what I should get to power these babies.

That is, what should I get as a pure stereo amp to power these?


What should I get to power these that will also decode movie audio?


Showing 1 response by smw30yahoocom

Hi Malcolm, I have the 20i Dahlquist speakers and absolutely love them. Ideally, they should be run with tube amps. I tried quite a few different amps when I was looking for amps and solid state just didn't sound right. Some of them sounded downright thin and bright with the Dahlquists. I have Von Gaylord amps and my system sounds just beautiful - warm, rich, detailed.