What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers

Just received my new Wilson Sasha DAW speakers and am now beginning to sift through a long list of electronics that would bring out the best in them. If anyone owns these and could give some recommendations I love to hear them. I’m open to tube or solid state. Looking for amps and preamp. All opinions are appreciated.
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Showing 4 responses by jetter

Actually, I think there are a lot of extremely wealthy people who love music who could easily live with a Halo A21.  There comes a point where a kind of neurotic need for some elusive, mostly never achieved equipment goal, outweighs the simple pleasure of listening to music.
Hi Dave,
I have been a fan of your experience and have really enjoyed your postings.  But sadly, as of today, I have to say that your messages have all come together into one, and that is "Spend a ton of money or you will not have a great rig".  Sorry, but I don't think I agree with you or Mr. initforthemusic
I have always respected rauliruegas postings for their impartiality and content.
Hi verdant, I am in agreement with you regarding the VTL's, great amps.  Admittedly it is based on an amp I owned years ago, but I thought the Musical Fidelity I used was too tipped up in the treble region.  Again, old news, never wanted another.  Parasound gets a bad rap by dealers wanting to sell mega priced gear.