What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers

Just received my new Wilson Sasha DAW speakers and am now beginning to sift through a long list of electronics that would bring out the best in them. If anyone owns these and could give some recommendations I love to hear them. I’m open to tube or solid state. Looking for amps and preamp. All opinions are appreciated.
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Showing 3 responses by caphill


I once had a pair of big Wilson Alexx driven by 2 pairs of D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps with the ARC (Audio Research) Ref 10 linestage preamp and achieved excellent results. At the time I was using all Transparent Opus cablings, Kronos Pro turntable w/ 12" Black Beauty tonearm, Air Tight PC-1 Supreme mc cartridge & D’Agostino Momentum phonostage pre served as analog front end source components and the DCS Vivaldi full four stacks (Vivaldi masterclock, Vivaldi upsampler, Vivaldi DAC, Vivaldi CD/SACD transport) served as digital front end source components.

I highly recommend the ARC Ref 10 linestage preamp paired with either the D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps or the ARC Ref monoblock amps for your Wilson Sasha DAW speakers. For digital front end source component(s) I highly recommend the latest EMM Labs DAC or its CD player. ARC & D’Agostino gears pair really well with Wilson Audio speakers combined with Transparent cablings. Ayre, Vitus Audio, VTL, VAC, Luxman, higher end Naim 500 series separate gears will also pair well with your Wilson Sasha DAW.

Remember, your front end source components, whether digital or/and analog front end components, are the most important components in hifi chain.

The Naim 500 series separate gears will also pair well with your Sasha DAW. The Naim 500 series separate gears comprise of the following :
* Naim ND 555 digital streamer/DAC with its external separate Naim 555 PS DR power supply unit (psu).
* Naim NAC 552 linestage preamp with its external separate 555 PS DR psu.
* Naim NAP 500 DR power amp with its separate external 555 PS DR psu.
The NAP 500 DR power amp is a true dual monoural design configurations with left & right channels are encased in separate chambers and are completely isolated and independent from each other with its own independent power supply and voltage regulations for each channel.
These Naim 500 series separates will sound highly musical on your Sasha DAW speakers.

For these Naim separate components you must use DIN connections to connect between components as it will make a big difference sonically, will sound better than using their RCA single-ended connectors. DIN is Naim’s proprietary connectors and is their XLR balanced version.

I am a big fan of Naim Audio. I’m also a fan of D’Agostino Momentum & Relentless series, ARC Reference line, Linn, T&A, Vitus Audio, Tidal, CH Precision, Accuphase, Luxman, EMM Labs, MSB, Soulution, MBL, Audionet, DarTZeel, Burmeister, Chord Electronics, Lamm, VTL, VAC, BAT, Cary Audio, Ypsilon, Ayon, Pass, Levinson, Boulder & PS Audio BHK series among others.
The OP is looking for a lush warm mids and sweet highs. The Martin Logan electrostats do not have warm lush mids and sweet smooth highs, they are complete opposite. I've heard various different ML electrostats ranging from their entry level ESL EM all the way to huge Renaissance. They have very vivid mids and highs very transparent with huge soundstages when paired with the right amps, but do not possess warm lush mids and sweet highs. The ML electrostats aren't right for the OP as he's looking for warm lush sound. Besides, he has already purchased the Wilson Sasha DAW. Now he's looking for kind of electronics that can reproduce full warmth lush mids and sweet highs. 

ML electrostats panels aren't for everyone. I found them lacking organic natural sound and can be somewhat sterile and lacking full bodied and blossom mids. They are too vivid and too transparent for my taste and have somewhat lean lacking full bodied type of sound profile compared to say Sonus Faber, Vienna Acoustics, Magico M3 or M6, Wilson Alexx. ML electrostats are great and perfect for HT application IMO. 

Fyi, every time I did listen to ML electrostats panels they were paired with some big McIntosh monoblock amps and their tube preamps. McIntosh gears are known for their full bodied sound. 

Some people love ML electrostats panels and would discard just about any other cabinetry speakers. My buddy is a big ML electrostats lover and is a huge fan of them. 

I was referring to Neoliths being great when used for high end HT application. I have heard the Neoliths in a HT setup and was blown away.