What Amp for ProAc Response 3's?

Hi; I'm currently running a Krell KST 100 amp with a Krell
KSL preamp via Cardas Hexlink Golden 5-c spkr cable to the
Response 3's.
My front end consist of a CAL MkII CD player and 80% of my listening are CD's. Musical tastes range from MOZART to BENATAR. Sound quality preferences; REAL,& HOLOGRAPHIC.
I'm looking to replace AMP and possibly PREAMP in the near future, for these units are about 12 years old.
Seeking some true Audiophile advice along these lines,
I've been out of the hobbie for awhile and a lot of models
have come and gone.
Special note: I am a "TRUE MUSIC
Thank's folks,
If you have ever been curious about the sound of tube amps, you have the perfect speakers. I had both the Response 2 and Response 3s, and they sound clorious with tubes, even low powered (8 watt) single-ended triodes (SETs).. I paired mine with Conrad Johnson push-pull amps, but there are plenty of others that would work fine with these very musical speakers.
I own the Jeff Rowland Concentra intergrated amplifier for my ProAc 2.5 speakers. This combination and my Meridian 508.25 CD player sounds excellent. cheers..
i been try conrad johnson, audioresearch and mcintosh and krell but after i try cary (SE) i fell in love, if you have a chance to try cary with your proac do it .good luck
Thanks folks for your advice. Seems like the TUBE camp are the majority. I was hoping it would be Solid state.
Looks like I need to do more research now.

Any additional help along these lines would be deeply appreciated.
I am a PROUD owner of the Responce 2 and I have a Sonic Frontiers 80 running them which sounds glorious. I feel a
speaker like the responce 3 would deserve a better amp ( a
tube amp that is) I cannot personally speak for these amps, but according the reviews a good sounding tube amp are these Antique Sound Lab Hurrcaines. They provide plenty of power which would open up your soundstage.