What Amp for ProAc Response 3's?

Hi; I'm currently running a Krell KST 100 amp with a Krell
KSL preamp via Cardas Hexlink Golden 5-c spkr cable to the
Response 3's.
My front end consist of a CAL MkII CD player and 80% of my listening are CD's. Musical tastes range from MOZART to BENATAR. Sound quality preferences; REAL,& HOLOGRAPHIC.
I'm looking to replace AMP and possibly PREAMP in the near future, for these units are about 12 years old.
Seeking some true Audiophile advice along these lines,
I've been out of the hobbie for awhile and a lot of models
have come and gone.
Special note: I am a "TRUE MUSIC
Thank's folks,

Showing 2 responses by tomryan

Stop the techno mythology. The people at Audio Research, Conrad-Johnson, BAT, Cary, Air Tight, MacIntosh, VTL, Manley, Unison, Quad, etc. etc. etc. are not crazy or music idiots. Properly designed tube amps make great music and so can ProAcs. Put together...well, we need say no more.

Every non-audiphile who has listened to my Air Tight/ProAc 2.5 combo has been mightly impressed to stunned. One guy even told me he could never have a system like this because he'd get nothing done at home - just music listening. Maybe if he knew more about the "technical problems" with tube designs things wouldn't have sounded so good. Unfortunately, he didn't so all he heard was a profoundly realistic music presentation.
Thanks, Ecclectique. There's a micro-brewery here in Michgan called "Bell's" and they make a delicious pale ale. However, they must not follow the proper technical beer brewing process because the ale is slightly cloudy and has a bit of sediment on the bottom. However, it is one of the finest brews I've ever tasted. It's kind of like a fine tube amp - it may not "bench out" the way such beers are supposed to but it sure does taste good.

This same sort of design artistry applies to hi-fi, beer, tequila, cars, etc.; some kind of soul gets infused into the thing that appeals to certain people. That's why some like BMWs and some Audis, some Don Julio and some El Tesoro. A buddy thinks Don Julio tastes "dirty" but I think it's peppery and rich. And I think his El Tesoro Anejo tastes a bit bland. Different strokes...